Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Social media is killing the Internet. According to:

Quick reflection. I have just read in one of the websites, run by one of my Twitter followers, that: Social Networks Are Killing the Web.


''memeburn :: Occasionally I stumble on blog posts describing how social networks are killing the internet. The claim is simply that people are simply becoming locked into social media so much that they no longer simply surf the web like they used to. Instead, they rely on information shared within the closed environment provided by sites like Facebook.''

Well, it seems to be true, but isn't it a kind of achievement? The enormous web, which was meant to be under control, has got out of it, and maybe now thanks to the social media it's being monitored? I'm using Twitter to collect the most precious information. Instead of going separately to The Huffington Post, The Guardian and Le Monde, everything's condensed.

What do you think about this reflection? Is the social media killing the Internet?


  1. Honestly? - No. I don't think so although I posted the article on my blog to raise the discussion (thanks that you took the floor to continue the discussion)
    You write: "the enormous web, which was meant to be under control, " - in fact the web was never meant to be under control. It was once built to exist as a decentralized infrastructure and to survive even partial destruction. It was the "achievement" of the economy trying to control the open web, which is now again discussed (net neutrality). Networks like Facebook try to gain control again and for some part of the Internet that might become true, but not for the entire system.

    - Steffen Konrath
    Future of Journalism

  2. Hmm I can understand why many people feel, this way. But if anything i think that social media encourages people to use the Internet even more. As they see their friends posting interesting things many connected to the web like pictures, stories etc. Out of curiosity they to access and look at things they generally would never had looked at.

  3. This is an interesting post, it most deffinately does make sense, as people of the world are tuned into, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and many other sites, as opposed to doing research and finding stories, whereas now stories are delivered directly to news feeds, which can be easily viewed without having to do much research.
